Sunday, December 5, 2010


We went to present for the Kids-4Change organization.  Kids-4Change is a very unique organization. It was founded by a 11 year old girl named Shaniah St. Catherine. Her mom, Alice St. Catherine, helps manage and run everything. They recruit kids from their neighborhood and put on various events that improve the world and teach the kids valuable lessons about citizenship and becoming a beneficial member of their community. This was also the first time we brought the newest member of our board Craig Brunner along to watch the presentation. When we got there we met the little girl who founded the organization and I have to admit she was better at running an organization than I am! She is a pro at only 11 years old. I hope to be at the level she is in the next year! The presentation went smoothly just like the last one and on the way home we stopped for Five Guys burgers. SCORE!